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Story Tyme

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This is a story written by Danie. I stole it from him, DONT GET MAD! it's real good. -thanx 16ove

-Dunno what it's called....Back Into This???
"Around noon, about a month ago I think…yeah, 'cause it was right after Memorial Day, this girl came to my house. I couldn't recall ever seeing her before in my life, but she looked extremely familiar, so familiar that I can still remember all the details of her pale, narrow face, her dark eyes, her raven hair, her black clothes, her hard, athletic body…" Robert's voice trailed off as he gazed out the window of Dr. Niemann's office.

"Her body?" asked the doctor.

"I'll get to that," said Robert. "I opened the front door…and we just stared at each other. We weren't sizing each other up or anything like that, just staring into each other's eyes. I felt something strong for this girl, and I think she felt it too."

"What did you feel?" interrupted Dr. Niemann.

"I don't know. She cast a spell on me. It was like, uh…all right, try this. Let's say there's some society where some higher power plans out the best way to set up your life. They assign your neighborhood, your pets, your friends, everything. This girl before me at the door, she was my assigned lover," Robert said.

Dr. Niemann scratched her pen on her legal pad in response.

Robert continued, "Neither of us said anything for the first five or ten minutes."

The doctor held up her hand while she scribbled the end of a sentence. Then she looked up and asked, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Robert's eyes drifted from hers to the window as he considered the question. He turned back and said, "In a word: stupor."

The doctor nodded, and her pen shot back to her paper.

"She spoke first," Robert continued. "'Invite me in,' she said. Just like that: telling, not asking.

"How did that make you feel?" asked Dr. Niemann.

"I liked it," answered Robert. "I didn't know what to do, so when she said that, I was like, 'Alright! A plan!' I didn't say anything. I just stood to the side, holding the door so she could get in. She walked in and went right to my room: through the foyer, down the hall, up the stairs, then down that hall…it's not an easy pathway, and she knew it just as well as me. She led me there, not looking back the whole time, just knowing I was right behind her. She walked through the doorway and stopped a couple feet inside the room. She was looking around at everything. Her eyes darted from my drawings on the wall, to my books, to the clothes on the floor."

"Why do you think she was doing this?" asked Dr. Niemann.

"She was exploring me," answered Robert, "by studying my room. I stood behind her in the doorway while she did this. I let her do it, 'cause I'm proud of my room, and I like how it reflects me. She just looked around like that for a few minutes…jittery, like a wild animal in a new cage. When she was done--"

"Stop there," the doctor interrupted. "She was done? Are you sure?"

Robert pondered this. "Yeah," he answered. "She was done. She had looked at everything there was to look at. Then she turned around and walked over to me, her eyes locked on mine, and as her arms snaked around my neck, mine wrapped around her waist without me even thinking about it." Robert paused and fixed his eyes on the floor. His fingers fidgeted with the loose strings on the armrest of his chair. "Then she kissed me. Or I kissed her. Long and hard…and smooth…I've kissed girls before. It feels good, ya know, it always feels good whether you love the person or not. This was different. It was…perfect," Robert said.

"Ahem," chimed in the doctor, "perfect?"

"Yes," Robert replied. "I know you don't like that word, but it was. It wasn't just a physical gesture. It wasn't just two pairs of lips touching. It was like…some kind of transfer of energy. Like we were kissing with--I know you don't like this one either--but it was like we were kissing with our souls. The world slid away, and it was just me and…this girl."

"You don't know her name?" asked Dr. Niemann.

"No," Robert said, "she never did tell me. She wasn't big on talking, I don't think. Anyway, we groped our way to the bed, making out as we went. Every kiss, every touch was like liquid passion flowing through each of us, into the other. Then we lay there on the bed, letting our desire pour forth. We undressed each other, lost in the intensity…"

"Robert!" Dr. Niemann intruded.

Robert shot back, "It wasn't like before, with those other girls. I wasn't just trying to get laid. The atmosphere, and the girl…this is what we were meant to do. We didn't fuck, Dr. Niemann, we made love. For hours and hours and hours…"

Curious, Dr Niemann asked, "And no one came home?"

"Everyone was at work or school; I knew they'd be gone 'til late. They wouldn't care anyway. I've had girls over before. They know to stay out. Anyway, it was dark by the time we stopped. Neither of us had spoken a word the whole time. Lying next to her, I asked her who she was. She looked me right in the eyes, and just smiled. We gazed like that for another minute or so before she finally answered. 'You,' she said. Then she kissed me, curled up in--our blankets, and she fell asleep. A little bewildered, I just followed her lead. I wrapped my arms around her, and fell asleep." Robert stared out the window. "She was gone when I woke up."

"You weren't dreaming this?" asked the doctor.

"No," Robert attested.

"And you weren't on drugs?"

Robert rolled his eyes. "No," he said.

"Okay Robert," said Dr. Niemann as she scribbled away at her paper. "Do you know what regression is?"

"Some kind of Freudian subconscious recollection process, right?" he asked.

"Right," replied Dr. Niemann.

"Past lives?" asked Robert.

They both sat pondering it for a moment. Then Dr. Niemann's watch beeped. "Time's up Robert," she said. "See you next week."